“Many daughters have done virtuously, but thou excellest them all” (Proverbs 31:29)."
Evangelist Parker is the First Lady of Wells Chapel COGIC as well as the First Lady of the Bishop Wyoming Wells District of Greater North Carolina Jurisdiction Churches of God in Christ. She is also the Director of Vacation Bible School, Instructor of New Members Orientation, Manager of the Broadcast Ministry, and Program Coordinator at her local assembly.
Evangelist Missionary Carolyn B. Parker began her virtuous, Christian journey on Tuesday, July 18, 1979 by surrendering her life to Jesus Christ. To become a partaker of the divine nature, she knew she must continue to grow in grace. Therefore, realizing that salvation was not sufficient to achieving the ultimate relationship with her Lord and Saviour, she diligently sought God for the Holy Ghost, and received this power exactly one year after being saved.
Knowing that faith without works is dead, Evangelist Parker began to heartily do whatsoever her hands found to do in her local church, Wells Chapel COGIC. In her earlier years as a young Christian lady, she served faithfully as the President of the Sunshine Band, directed the Youth Choir, visited the sick, participate in Sunday School and YWCC. Most importantly, she was the homemaker in her own home, loving and caring for the needs of her family.
“Many have been called, but few are chosen.” In 2000, God called and chose Evangelist Parker as an Evangelist Missionary. She accepted this calling without hesitation because she loves God with her whole heart and seeks to please him in every aspect of her life. She passionately applies the Word to her daily walk with Christ and brings forth the Word just as fervently.
Evangelist Parker has experienced marital bliss with the honorable Superintendent Austin B. Parker, Sr. and to this union came five children. They have also been tremendously blessed and favoured with four grandchildren.
Evangelist Carolyn B. Parker is a peculiar treasure that God has chosen to show himself strong within her in order to draw others to salvation. She has divine purpose from the most high God!